Interested in what happened once upon a time? You've found your spot then. Tis the section where I keep the old updates. More of a record for me, but go ahead and look at the site's progress, ne? ^_^

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY! ^_^ And there's my patriotism. ^_- I tried to get motivated to do a tribute piccie, really, but it didn't work, minna. -_- No inspiration! Grr. I blame my dying muses *nods* it was THEIR fault. Anyway, hope all you US of A'ers have a happy and safe 4th. The Powers That Be bless America! (Just to stay on every religion's safe side ^_-) Ja~

Still working with Krystal's art. Dying to see it? Click the link, copy the URL and paste it into the navigation bar. That works but for some reason direct links don't. Grr. Sorry about that, minna, but I'm still working with it. Ja~
Akuma and co.

A couple of new original pics and a couple new fanarts of the DBZ genre are up! Check them out! As for Krystal's art... links are still being worked out but they WILL be working here eventually. No new fics as of yet, but please continue reading those already here. Till next time, minna! Ja~
Akuma and co.

Okashina Okashi debut! We've got fics, pics, and stories just for you guys! Yes, I did indeed stay up to the wee hours to get this done but woo! It's up! Have a look around, make yourself comfortable, relax, enjoy, and all that good stuff (and not even necessarily in that order! ^_-) Don't forget to SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! Enjoy! Ja~
Akuma, Kimi and co.

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