This is the first non-fanfiction I’ve ever written so I hope you like it! Here’s some information you need to understand the world a little better.

                                                         Kiss of a Rose


      What happens when Izabelle, an upper class Horc-vajiir, falls in love with a Daichi, the slave race of their planet? What
of the people who despise the Daichi and are determined to prohibit this relationship, even at the cost of war? This is a story
of action, adventure and above all else the universal struggle of love.



      The Daichi were once a grand race. Once great fighters and scholars. Once a proud race. That is, before the Horc-Vajiir

      The Horc-Vajiir arrived on the planet claiming to be on a diplomatic mission of peace; traveling to new planets to gain
allies and trading contracts. Claiming to be brethren, they were taught the Daichi’s cultural, their technology, their whole way
of life; nothing was kept secret. 

      They came preaching peace and friendship. They came advocating trade and equality. They lied…

            Countless millions died in the war for planet Daijiiro. The Horc-Vajiir to gain a new home; the Daichi for their

            The war raged on for over a decade. Both sides fought to discover new technology before then other, to gain
the upper hand over then other; to put an end to the fighting, to the suffering, to the death.

            Then after twelve years of merciless fighting, after years of heartless murder, the war was won and the
Horc-Vajiir were victorious.



Daichi (Dy-chi)- A once proud race of great scholars and fighters of the planet Daijiro (Dy-shi-ro). Hair and eyes can be of
any coloring. Eyes are almond shaped, slightly larger than that of a human. Their skin coloring is either light tan, light purple,
or light blue.

Horc-Vajiir (Hork-va-jear)- A savage race who traveled to planet Daijiro (Dy-shir-ro), home of the Daichi, to enslave the
people and their technology and claim the planet as their own. Albino in coloring; pale skin, pale blue eyes, and white hair;
although a few have been known to have mutated coloring of the hair and eyes. 

            This is both races written language:

€   ?   ?  S Œ s  œ Ÿ  ¢ £ €  ¥  §  ß  ? ? Ü Ø x Ö Ò Ñ ?  Π Ë Ç

A  B  C  D E F G  H  I  J K L M N O P Q R  S T U V W X Y Z

            The different slave stats:

Labor slave: They work in the fields and on site, building anything from furniture to barns to houses. 

Hearth slave: Hearth slaves work in the house cleaning the rooms and basically being at the beckon call of their   masters.

Pleasure slave: These are also at the beckon call of their masters. They fulfill the sexual desires of the house occupents.
Some Horc-vajiir have been known to stake claim on one particular pleasure slave so that no other may have use him/her.

Kitchen slave: These slaves stay in the kitchen and cook any and all meals or snacks the family or guest may have.  

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